If you are serious about wanting to break free of the smoking habit for good, then contact me now... and take your first steps towards freedom in a way that will make quitting much easier than you ever imagined.
Hypnosis is an all-natural, evidence based approach that is helping many people every day to break free of the smoking trap for good. People just like you are successfully using hypnosis to finally quit smoking. Celebrities too, like Matt Damon, Ellen DeGeneres and Samuel L Jackson, have also used hypnosis to successfully stop smoking.
Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy with me gently changes the unconscious mind of a habitual smoker to an effortless non-smoker. The proven mind-body techniques that I use address every single psychological trick that smoking addiction plays on you and frees you from its grip. We also identify your key triggers to smoke and change those old habituated responses.
No matter how long you've smoked, no matter how many times you have tried and failed, you can still achieve freedom and become a true non-smoker. A true non-smoker couldn't think of anything worse than inhaling 1000s of toxins into that body. Smoking will instinctively and naturally become an alien thing to do.
So take the pressure off! Hypnosis can make it easier for you.
A Breakthrough Stop Smoking Hypnosis session with me takes from 2 to 2.5 hours and is thoroughly tailored to address your specific individual needs. It will gently move your mind from its current 'addicted' state to complete freedom from cigarettes. No longer will you be controlled by the need to smoke. No more planning your day around times you can smoke. No more worrying about running out of cigarettes. No more stressing about what smoking is doing to your health… and your wallet.
You can even bring your cigarettes with you to the session and I will show you how you can clear any craving within minutes… and put you in control.
Beat the next Government tax hike on tobacco.
Just imagine yourself totally free of cigarettes… when the smell, the tax hikes, and everything else associated with cigarettes become a part of the past that no longer bothers you.
I can help.
"Well just over 7 months now and still no smoking… and I have
since also lost 14kgs. Not smoking has had a tumble effect to the rest
of my life - I can now run 5kms non-stop, and now training for 10kms. I
have stopped coughing at night and my wee lungs have a new
lease of life. I have given your number to (name) who is a heavy smoker.
I hope you can help him like you did me."
"Just wanted to let you know that one week in I am doing fine, much
better than I expected. I have not been tempted to smoke, although I've
had plenty of triggers to want to do so.
I don't have a revulsion of smoking as such, I just don't seem to have a
need to give in to the triggers, and when I feel any weakness I do deep
breathing, which beats them. Thank you for your help!"
"An update on myself, I am still a non-smoker and I am feeling great
and positive about being a non-smoker and it's a good feeling to say
that I am a non-smoker. I would like to thank you for your help that you
have given our family on our way to a healthier life."