Hypnosis for Fertility helps couples to conceive naturally, and also
provides hypnotherapeutic support to women undergoing IVF and other
medical procedures. Hypnosis can significantly help you to reduce
anxiety and stress and increase your sense of confidence and well-being.
Studies have shown that mind/body programs can effectively double the
success rates of conception.
Hypnosis is one of the most powerful and effective processes available for conquering "unexplained infertility".
During the Hypnosis for Fertility sessions, prospective mothers (and/or fathers) learn tools and strategies that help to generate positive changes in the mind and body, which in turn can allow suitable conditions for conception to occur. As everyone is so individual and unique, the number of sessions required may vary anywhere from 2 to 12 sessions.
Worry = Negative Self-Hypnosis
The negative self-talk about the challenges you may be experiencing, or by constantly focusing on other difficulties, can cause great stress, anxiety or fear. These negative thoughts can trigger a 'fight or flight' response, creating a physical and chemical reaction in the body.
When you become so worried that you allow negative thinking to take over, your mind and body respond and begin to realize the self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.
Hypnotherapy = Positive Change
We can help. Hypnotherapy can transform that fear or frustration you may be feeling, and provide you with the tools that enable you to achieve the relaxation necessary for a calm, positive and viable pregnancy.
Hypnotherapy can help you to identify and release subconscious blocks to conception, restore balance, release stress, improve your sense of well-being, and maximize your chances of success.
Men and Infertility
Releasing stress is a key element for both men and women. Recent studies have revealed that a man's sperm count can significantly reduce with prolonged stress. Even after unsuccessfully "trying" for 12 months, a man's sperm count can greatly diminish with the continual disappointments and the growing pressure to perform.
Hypnosis is very effective for managing stressful situations and negative emotions that may occur.
Some Documented Studies
Studies have indicated that "infertile" women utilising mind/body techniques have a 42-55% conception rate as compared to 20% for those not following this protocol.
Studies conducted by Alice Dormar Ph D, director of the Beth Israel Deaconess Behavioral Medicine Program for Infertility in Boston, showed the efficacy of mind/body techniques in removing unresolved issues around pregnancy: In 1999, 42% of 132 infertile women participating in the mind/body program conceived within 6 months of completing it (Journal of the American Medical Women's Association).
A second study, published in 2000 in the journal Fertility and Sterility, showed that 55% of infertile women conceived, compared to 20% of the control group who used no mind/body techniques.
A 2004 Israeli study conducted by Prof. Eliahu Levitas showed that hypnosis can double the success rate of IVF. His findings were presented to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Conference in 2004.
"One of the key components (in addressing infertility) is stress reduction," says Dr Mark Bush of Colorado's Conceptions Reproductive Center. "There is a definite link between hormones released in the brain and decreasing a woman's ability to release an egg."
Dr Jon Shick of Mile High Family Medicine agrees with Bush. "You can't ignore the impact of stress on the body or the mind," says Shick. "I've seen what hypnosis can do first hand - it works."
Gerald Trobough, M.D., a Californian Ob/Gyn and fertility expert concurs. "We know what hypnosis can do for such things as child birth and pain control; it's only a matter of time before infertility applications are universally accepted," he says. "Hypnotherapy fits very well with today's 'western medical' approaches to successfully decrease the stresses that can be associated with infertility and its procedures," says Trobough.
"Fertility is a significant problem in today's stressful world," says Dr Winetz, also a skilled Acupuncturist. He adds that "Acupuncture and hypnosis have proven to be very successful as adjunctive treatments to conventional medicine."
A study by John Gruzelier, Professor of Psychology at Imperial College School of Medicine in London, revealed that self-hypnosis could strengthen the immune system by 48% in six weeks. (www1.imperial.ac.uk)
Impact of Stress
According to Oxford's journal Human Reproduction (2014), higher levels of stress are associated with a longer time-to-pregnancy (TTP) and increased risk of infertility.
A study showed that psychological stress can impact female reproduction including ovary, follicle and oocyte. Increased levels of stress hormones such as cortisol reduce estradiol production which results in deterioration of egg quality. Journal of Biomedical Science (2016)
According to Science Beta (2008), in one study fertility rates went up by 80% for women who actively reduced stress.
A 2010 study found that hypnosis represents a rapid, cost-effective, non-addictive and safe alternative for the treatment of anxiety-related conditions.
A recent study found hypnosis to be a viable treatment for infertility in women. The majority of clients presented with exceptionally high mental/emotional anxieties upon which hypnosis appears to have had a profound effect. 100% of clients reviewed reported significant improvement following their first hypnotherapy session, 88.88% of which were self-proclaimed "Type A" personalities. Regis CCLS (2016)