Irrational, unnecessary fears and phobias can drain your confidence, deplete your self-esteem and limit your full participation and enjoyment in life.
The good news is, no matter how long you've had your problem, you can break free of that unwanted conditioned response and create the preferred response you want instead, easily, safely and resourcefully. With 'simple' fears and phobias, one or two sessions may be all you will need to make the lasting changes that you want and deserve.
Have you heard the old joke that most people would much rather be the person laying in the coffin, than the person standing beside it delivering the eulogy? Well, statistics show this to be true, as the fear of public speaking is often rated by most people as their number 1 fear.
Some of the most common fears include the fear of:
The huge variety of fears and their labels are too numerous to list here. However, research tells us that babies are only born with two natural fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. The rest, as they say, have been learned. And as NLP, neuroplasticity and other models of change have explained and proven, anything that is learned can also be 'unlearned'.
If you have a fear preventing you from stepping into your full
potential, happiness or participation in life, then please contact me,
and discover how you can eliminate old patterns and unwanted responses …
and live the life that you are capable of and fully deserve. I can help.
"The best man speech went really well. I wasn't very nervous, only
a little bit, but it didn't bother me. The sickening nervous build-up I
had experienced in the past definitely wasn't there… my voice and hands
didn't shake. Apparently I was very clear - even right to the back of
the room, and didn't talk down into my beard. I also got a couple of
good laughs…Thanks very much for your help. Before I saw you I was
really hoping I would break both legs on the day and I wouldn't have to
do it… I just didn't want to live with that fear anymore, it feels
debilitating, it's not healthy and it's completely counterproductive. It
would have been a very long, difficult and draining few weeks leading up
to it and a horrible day if I hadn't had your help. Instead I actually
got to enjoy it! Thanks again."
"Great news regarding my public speaking phobia… I've had 3 stand-up
meetings now and I can feel myself getting more and more confident with
each one. I'm purposely putting myself into a situation where I don't
speak first and I'm out of my comfort area, but I've been pleasantly
surprised with the results I'm seeing so far. I've been noticeably more
comfortable speaking and especially just before I speak I'm definitely
more at ease.
Thank you so much for all your help. I will forever be grateful."
"I just wanted to let you know I have arrived in Canberra safely. I was
so much more relaxed over the flight. It was actually one of the most
turbulent flights I have been on and we also had two attempts at landing
and if I had been my old self that would have sent me into a panic, but
I remained calm and positive. …I am proud of the progress I made and I
just wanted to say thank you!"
"I had a MASSIVE needle phobia when I came to see you and I promised I
would email you if I got up the courage to go for a needle. I am proud
to report that on Wednesday I had to go to the doctor and have a blood
test. I told her I had a needle phobia and she was very understanding.
She told me I could come back another day or I could have it that day
and she would be very gentle and do everything to make the experience as
pleasant as possible.
I decided to give it a go. I pictured my "place" and tried to take
myself out of the situation. But the best part was that I did the part
that I REALLY wanted to do… I lay there myself and I put my arm out and
I did not pull it away. I just let the doctor do what she needed to do…
and I did it! I am not scared anymore. I am so thankful to you for our
sessions. You are so brilliant… I truly don't think I would have been
able to do this if I had not come to see you. Thank you again, Evonne!"