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End Yo-Yo dieting and do something different. Four sessions may be all you need to put you back in control. Virtual Gastric Band process also available.
Hypnosis for Weight Loss
End Yo-Yo Dieting for Good
Do you want to Lose Weight but need help to:
- Stop cravings?
- Stop comfort eating when stressed, bored or sad?
- Stop overeating or reduce portion sizes?
- Change the way you think about food?
... You can!
If you feel out of control and look for food when you are stressed, lonely, bored or upset, or keep eating when you are already full, then Hypnosis, EFT and NLP can help you to easily change those unwanted responses.
Cravings, comfort eating and overeating are learned behaviours that are primarily driven by thoughts and emotions. Losing excess weight has much more to do with managing our thoughts, emotions and stress than actually managing food. Most people know consciously what they should be doing to lose weight, but something keeps triggering old urges and unwanted behaviours at a subconscious level. This is where hypnosis and other mind-body techniques excel and play an invaluable role.
Together, we can successfully eliminate cravings, emotional eating and change the way you think about food to a more healthy way of being. When we address the real cause of the unwanted behaviour and change it at a deeper level, this allows you to make healthy lifestyle choices and changes much more easily, naturally and permanently.
Virtual Gastric Band for Weight Loss
The effectiveness of hypnosis has been expanded to include the Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss System, a non-surgical technique that imitates the real gastric band surgery, but without any of the negative side effects. Consisting of four hypnotherapy sessions, the program is designed to convince the mind and body that a silicon band has made the stomach smaller, enabling the client to reduce portion sizes, eat less and feel satisfied eating smaller amounts of food.
The 'virtual gastric band' method for weight loss using hypnosis has been in use for some time and has generated a lot of positive results and positive press from the global media.
When Sheila Granger, a Hypnotherapist in the UK, decided to include the 'virtual gastric band' concept into her practice, she ran a trial of 25 volunteers of various ages, weight, gender, shapes and sizes in a group setting. During the first trial, she saw the group for just 3 one hour sessions. She was astounded to record that 24 of the 25 participants lost over 14 stone (almost 90kgs) between them in only three weeks, and all but one reported a change in their eating habits.
I trained with Sheila and offer this successful program to clients who feel they struggle with portion control and eat far more food than their bodies actually need.
The Virtual Gastric Band program is NOT a diet! You can eat anything you want.
The Virtual Gastric Band program enables the client to think differently about food and form new habits that they can maintain, without feeling deprived, which makes sustained weight loss more achievable.
If you are tired of Yo-Yo dieting, then now may be the right time to do something different!
If you genuinely want to eliminate cravings or emotional eating,
change the way you think about food, build self-worth and feel good
about yourself, then please contact me. Four sessions may be all you
need to get you back on track and in control.

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Aragon St, Indooroopilly (West Brisbane) Qld 4068 |
Contact Details Phone: (07) 3878 7730 Mobile: 0401 008 823 Email: Click here to email me or send an email to enquiries ![]() Hours of Operation: Hours vary, with some evenings and weekend appointments available. |

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